First prize winner of the 2nd round 2006
VDI|VDE|IT GründerWettbwerb Mit Multimedia erfolgreich starten

Exist BMWi European social fund
The Taurus Necktrainer supports efficient and specific training of the cervical muscles. Therefore the Taurus Necktrainer combines technologies of the fields Virtual Reality, Robotics, Sensory and Multimedia. The trainee has the task to follow specific head movements against the systems controlled resistance (Force-Feedback-System). Thereby the specified head movement exercises superimpose rotation-, flexion- and extension pathways. Using the virtual reality display the head movements are stimulated via optical triggering.

Training of cervical muscles in particular is dedicated to people undergoing high forces acting on their head during high speed drives, like e.g. Because of the high costs training possibilities for this person group are insufficient. The lack of training results in high health risk and bad medical conditions. The Taurus Necktrainer compensates this lack of training and offers efficient training exercise that strengthen cervical muscles.

Deutsche Version ->

Presentation at the MEDICA 2007
very successful

Our system was presented at the booth of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and earned good appraisal from physiotherapists as well as from training machine manufacturers.